OPX | Related TransformationsOPX MathML to plain text



Pretty print Content MathML XML as plain text. Parentheses are placed where required according to this precedence table:

Precedence Group Members
1 or(∨)
2 xor(xor)
3 and(∧)
4 eq(=) , neq(≠)
5 geq(≥) , leq(≤) , gt(>) , lt(<)
6 in(∈) , notin(∉) , subset(⊆) , prsubset(⊂) , notsubset(⊈) , notprsubset(⊄)
7 union(∪) , intersect(∩) , setdiff(∖) , cartesianproduct(×)
8 plus(+) , minus(-)
9 times(*) , divide(/) , rem(mod)
10 power(^)
11 unary plus(+) , unary minus(-) , unary not(¬)